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How to Help your Team Receive Your Feedback May 01, 2024

Leaders spend a lot of time honing their feedback skills, trying to be the best at giving it out. But here's the thing: even if you're a feedback ninja, all that effort goes to waste if the person...

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How To Build Teams that are Happy and High Performing Apr 30, 2024

There's a LinkedIn report that states the number one reason why people leave their jobs, why they quit their jobs, is because of a toxic workplace culture. That's right, so they don't necessarily...

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What to do with an Underperforming Employee Apr 30, 2024

Dealing with underperforming employees is one of the toughest challenges leaders face. If you're currently grappling with this situation and seeking guidance on the next steps, you've come to the...

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How to Introduce Change at Work...Without Drama!! Mar 30, 2024

As leaders, we're always eager to drive positive change within our organizations. However, implementing changes can be a delicate process that requires careful consideration of our team's...

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